Holland Betta Show 2010
Below you can find an overview of the winning fish of the Holland Betta Show 2011:
PK-1 Traditional Plakat males – Unicolor (18 fish by 8 breeders of 3 European countries)
PK-2 Traditional Plakat males – All Other Colors (AOC) (28 fish by 5 breeders of 3 European countries)
PK-3a Halfmoon Plakat males – Unicolor (Lightbody) (9 fish by 4 breeders of 3 European countries)
1. 198 – Matthias Polzin (Matze; Germany) | 2. 10 – Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands) | 3. 194 – Matthias Polzin (Matze; Germany) |
PK-3b Halfmoon Plakat males – Unicolor (Darkbody) (28 Fish 9 breeders of 6 European countries)
PK-4a Halfmoon Plakat males – Marble (13 fish by 11 breeders of 7 European countries)
PK-4b Halfmoon Plakat males – All other Colors (AOC) (30 fish by 12 breeders of 6 European countries)
HM-1 Halfmoon males – Unicolor (13 fish by 5 breeders of 3 European countries)
HM-2a Halfmoon males – Bicolor (9 fish by 2 breeders of 2 European countries)
1. 67 – Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands) | 2. 69 – Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands) | 3. 64 – Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands) |
HM-2b Halfmoon males – Butterfly (12 fish by 7 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 15 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands) | 2. 95 – Salvatori Unali (Totto; Germany) | 3. 188 – Michiel van Bemmel (Chiel; The Netherlands) |
HM-2c Halfmoon males – All Other Colors (AOC) (15 fish by 8 breeders of 4 European countries)
CT-1 Crowntail males – All Colors (11 fish by 4 breeders of 2 European countries)
SC-2 Special Class – Form & Variation (5 fish by 3 breeders of 3 European countries)
1. 11 – Joep van Esch (the Netherlands) | 2. 159 – Hristo Atanasov (XBetta; Austria) | 3. 157 – Hristo Atanasov (XBetta; Austria) |
Fem-1 Halfmoon plakat females (38 fish by 16 breeders of 6 European countries)
Fem-2 Halfmoon females (20 fish by 10 breeders of 4 European countries)
1. 179 – Claire Marion (Clr; France) | 2. 49 – Armin Schafer (Armin; The Netherlands) | 3. 32 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands) |
no picture available |
Fem-4 Crowntail females (16 fish by 6 breeders of 2 European countries)
Best of Show Male (BOSM)
198 – Matthias Polzin (Matze; Germany) |
Reserve Best of Show Male (rBOSM)
17 – Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; the Netherlands) |
Best of Show Female (BOSF)
160 – Hristo Atanasov (Xbetta; Austria) |
Reserve Best of Show Female (rBOSF)
84 – Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany) |
Jury Prize
164 – Stefan Kruger (The-RDS; France) |
Consolation Prize
James King (Paradox_error; Czech-Republic/Australia) |
Public prize
129 – Jolanda Wisseborn (Jolanda; The Netherlands) |
Best European Breeder
Hristo Atanasov (Xbetta; Austria) |
We would like to thank the following people without whom this show would not have been possible:
- Toën Feyen and Jeroen Dregmans for all their help, trust and giving us the chance to organize this event at the Holland Koi Show.
- Erik van den Brande en Cindy Lenaerts from Ocean Nutrition for providing the Atison Betta Pro betta food for the class winners.
- Domburg Sportprijzen Holland for providing the beautiful awards for the 1st placed fish of each showclass.
- The EHBBC board for giving us permission to borrow their showracks.
- Stefan George Psarakos for creating the 3D models of the new Bettas4all Standard.
- Ursula Bosnjak for translating the new Bettas4all Standard from English to German.
- The Bettas4all Judging Team consisting of Joep van Esch (Joepmaster; The Netherlands), Ilse Hoekstra (Eelzuhtjuh; The Netherlands), Bernd Roque Y Montoya (Barny; Germany), Donny Adriaens (Dokke; Belgium), Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands), Salvatore Unali (Totto; Germany), Claus-Peter Große (Darkman0815; Germany).
- Michel, Seline and Seline’s father for bringing the showracks to the show.
- Gerrit Wisseborn for the design and construction of the showtables.
- Jolanda Wisseborn for her endless drive and dedication to make this show a succes.
- Ilse Hoekstra for coordinating the groceries in order to provide us with food and drinks at breakfast and BBQs.
- All the breeders who have trusted us with their showfish.
- All the visitors who took the time to visit our show.
And last but not least the Bettas4all Show Team 2010 consisting of Jolanda (Jolanda), Gerrit and Kaya (Kaya) Wisseborn (The Netherlands), Ilse Hoekstra (Eelzuhtjuh; The Netherlands), Michel Stokkelaar (Nightshift; The Netherlands), Armin (Armin) and Ronald Schäfer (The Netherlands); Farian Suryana (Bettaimage; The Netherlands); Donny Adriaens (Dokke; Belgium); Stefan Kruger (The-RDS; France); Arie de Koning (Arie; The Netherlands); Michiel van Bemmel (Chiel; The Netherlands) and Jermaine Potinoor (Maintje; The Netherlands).
In order to get a better impression of the Holland Betta Show 2011 here a small day-to-day report:
On Thursday 19th of August 2010, the Bettas4all Show Team started in the early morning to build up the Holland Betta Show stand in the Holland Aquarium tent at the Holland Koi Show. We first started with the construction of the tables which were constructed by Gerrit Wisseborn. Later the EHBBC racks were screwed together and in the early afternoon we were ready to fill in the tanks. Because we were not sure if the temperature in the Holland Aquarium tent would be stable in the first night we decided to install the heating matts. After this we could start the benching with the fish around 15.00h. The benching was ready around 19.00h and in the evening we divided the benched fish into 16 showclasses in order to speed up the judging on the next day. We returned at the farmhouse where we were sleeping around 22.00h where we still have some nice chat and drinks before we went to sleep.
On Friday 20th August 2010, we first had a nice breakfast at the farmhouse. We arrived at the show at 8.00h and after checking all the fish at 8.30h the judging team started to judge the different showclasses. At 9.30h, the show opened to the public. Around 13.00h the judging team managed to have all classes judged and we decided which fish won the special prizes such as (r)BOSM and (r)BOSF and off course the juryprize. At around 15.00h it was possible for the public to purchase some quality showbettas. At 18.00h the show closed to the public and after preparing the showstand for the next day we returned to the farmhouse for a BBQ with lots of great food, drinks and awsome conversations.
On Saturday 21th August 2010, the show opened for the public at 9.30h. As expected this day was very busy with visitors and it was possible to purchase some quality showbettas during the entire day. In the afternoon our stand was filmed by AquanetTV. At 18.00h the show closed to the public and again we prepared the showstand for the next day. In the evening we returned to the farmhouse for another great BBQ evening!
On Sunday 22th August 2010, the show opened for the public at 9.30h. At 10.00h it was time for the awards ceremony which was attented by all the participating breeders and a lot of public. It was great to see that so many different breeders from various countries had won prices with their fish. After drinking some champagne to celebrate the prices and the succes of the Holland Betta Show 2010 we made a group picture. At 11.00h it was now also possible to purchase some of the award winning fish. After again a busy afternoon the show ended at 18.00h and we started to break down our stand.
Some impressions of the prize ceremony: