Vivariumbeurs 2015

Bettas4all events: Vivarium 2015 – Nieuwegein, the Netherlands

The Bettas4all stand @ Vivarium 2015 again was a huge succes :D ! We were very happy to see so many people at our stand during this amazing weekend. Many fish went home with new owners and we wish you all a lot of fun and pleasure with your new fish.

Off course this all would not have been possible without the efforts of some special people (1) The Bettas4all Team: It always is a pleasure to work with you all, I can not wish for a better team; (2) The Vivarium Team: You again did an amazing job in organizing another succesful edition of Vivarium. Thank you very much for the help, support and trust; (3) Marie-Helene Castanet from Zoo Med: Thank you for taking the time to come to the Netherlands to support us with the beautiful products and (4) all the people who took the time to visit our stand!





Here an impression of our stand at the Vivariumbeurs 2015: